
About the Book

Dreams don’t usually tell you what you already know. Most dreams are for the purpose of revealing things you either don’t know or are not consciously aware of but recognize the moment they are interpreted for or by you. Sometimes it is to confirm, reinforce, or explain something you are experiencing in your daily life. It is a lifelong journey to increase in understanding all the possible forms of communication. However, at this time, the subject being dealt with primarily is dream communication. It is vital that you enjoy the journey into understanding.

Throughout this book I will reiterate well-known practices as well as introduce some new concepts that I am certain will help complement your understanding. If you let it, you will find your confidence building in your dream code as well as in situations in your life. The exhilaration of connecting with this side of your abilities is equaled only by meditation and getting centered in your heart-brain coherence.

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. May this book help you to embrace your dreams along the pathway of your human experiences!